Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Soon Finn Fest starts in Hancock. They'll be clocking into the Fest on June 19th and heading out on Sunday. The Quincy Smelter is a hop, skip and a jump from downtown Hancock. 

Why not join us on Saturday.

The Quincy Smelter Association is hosting its first tour on June 22nd between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM at the Quincy Smelter. We're a right turn on M-26 and about quarter mile up the road on the right. Every hour, starting at 10:00 AM, we'll be offering a guided tour of the entire smelter. The last tour begins at 2:00 PM. Our entrance fee is $5.00 a person, children under 10 free and a discount for AAA members.

The Quincy Smelter is the only historical copper smelter in America. Come see how your ancestors made the UP famous for its copper. Many of the buildings are intact and we have a lot of the original machinery. You'll be able to see how power was generated, coal and ore brought in, how it was moved to the furnaces, what it took to melt the ore and turn it into copper, how it was stored and shipped and much, much more.

See you there!

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