24 Heritage Grants awarded

Kurt Hauglie/Daily Mining Gazette The Keweenaw Heritage Center is one of the recipients for the most recent Keweenaw National Historical Park Advisory Commission Heritage Grant program. This cycle, 24 grants were awarded for a total of $150,148.
CALUMET — The Keweenaw National Historical Park Advisory Commission’s Heritage Grant program continues to be popular, and 24 grants were awarded this round, according to Scott See.
See, Advisory Commission executive director, said for this round of granting, 31 applications were received for a total request of more than $227,000. The 24 awards totaled $150,148.
The National Park Service through the KNHP began the Heritage Grant program in 2008, and See said the Advisory Commission began it’s granting program two years later. Now, although the NPS still contributes to the program as funds are available, the Advisory Commission runs the program and most of the money comes from the organization. This grant cycle, $135,148 came from the commission, and $15,000 came from the park service.
See said he continues to be impressed with the applications received for the grants.
“The quality of the apps was really good,” he said. “The request was more than we had available. We’ve offered, the last few years, $150,000, and we’ve always gotten requests for more than we were able to offer.”
The purpose of the Heritage Grant program is to provide financial support to businesses, and organizations, which are involved with telling the story of the copper-mining era. However, See said beginning for the current granting cycle, the program became limited to organizations only, because it’s thought that will provide a greater financial impact.
There are 21 Heritage Sites associated with the KNHP, and many of them usually apply for grants, including this cycle, See said.
“Our Heritage Sites were well represented within the recipients,” he said. “We realize there are other organizations out there other than the Heritage Sites that can use our help.”
This is the 10th year for the Heritage Grant program, and See said in that time 217 grants have been made for a total of $1,139, 697.
Since 2010, See said, the Advisory Commission has granted $862,471.
“Seven hundred thousand of that has come from our anonymous donor,” he said. “We’re indebted to that individual in helping make this program a reality.”
See said there is no plan at this time to end the Heritage Grant program.
“Our intention is to continue the program as long as we can find funding to do so,” he said.